Although the
Sunday readings at Mass are generally on a three year cycle since the reforms
of 1970 went into effect, nevertheless, on the 1st Sun. of Lent the
Gospel is always St. Matthew’s account of the temptations of Jesus (Mt 4:1-11)
Scholars tell us that St. Matthew’s Gospel in general presents Jesus to us as
the new Moses/Israel, giving us a new law and where the old Israel failed
historically in its relations with God, Jesus, as the new Israel (people of
God) reverses those failures.
So, e.g. as
the Old Law begins with the Genesis accounts of creation, etc. St. Matthew
begins his Gospel with the birth of Christ (not dealt with in St. Mark or St.
John’s Gospels) and before He begins His public ministry he goes out into the
desert as did the original Israelites, and not surprisingly the number 40 is
used to describe the period of preparatory testing.
The crux is
that three temptations are described and in the history of salvation these were
the principal failures of God’s people in the Old Testament, i.e. they came
into the Holy Land from the desert unacquainted with farming and had to learn
from the people of the land (Canaanites) how to provide themselves with food to
satisfy their hunger. Unfortunately the
Canaanites at that time thought that in addition to preparing the ground and
planting the seed, it was then necessary to worship the fertility gods
(principally Baal) in order to obtain a successful harvest. We find repeatedly in the Old Testament that
Israelites were found to be worshiping fertility gods in order to have success
in filling their stomachs. I think it
important to note that it wasn’t so much that they denied the LORD as they
thought they could worship both. Note
the commandment: there is only ONE God.
The error was in thinking they could have it both ways. After 40 days, Jesus too was hungry, but He
passed this test which they had so often failed. Of course we don’t have this
problem, do we? We never place material
security before God in our everyday priorities.
We never try to have it both ways when it comes to priorities between
God and material things – we who have to maneuver our lives through perhaps the
most materialistically preoccupied culture ever. Are we sure we also don’t have a problem here?
The early
settlements of God’s people in the promised land saw them waiting for God’s
Spirit to lead them in times of crises (e.g. Bk. of Judges). Eventually, however, the people came to the
prophet Samuel and demanded that he anoint for them a king – SO THAT THEY COULD
Samuel tried to warn them that they were heading in the wrong direction in
demanding a human king rather than looking to God as their King. The history
that followed is full of episodes of the kings being too much like those of the
other nations and leading the people astray.
As the old adage goes: power corrupts.
Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth; Jesus passed this
test as well. Of course, this doesn’t
apply to us either, does it? Jesus our
king comes to us as an exemplar of humility, so I guess we don’t have to worry
about pride, reputation, a lust for power in its many forms – do we? In our everyday lives do we swim with the
current of the values around us? – just like the others? Or do we let the Gospel be our guide?
Finally the
third temptation of Jesus was Satan having Him on the parapet of the Temple and
challenging Him to jump off, because as Psalm 90 would have it, the angels
would protect Him. Here lies the sin of
presumption. The Old Testament history
of Israel was a series of presumptions.
They were so sure that they had the most powerful God looking after
them, that time and again they turned a deaf ear to the prophets and failed to
repent! They knew that God loved
them. They presumed they would be
forgiven their unrepented faults. (E.g. they
were shocked when Jerusalem was conquered).
Jesus did not take the bait. Of
course, we don’t have a problem here, do we?
We don’t have any unrepented faults. We’re going to heaven because God loves us no
matter what kind of persons we are. That seems to be the general understanding in
our contemporary culture. Are we sure it isn’t presumption?
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